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4 AM Sleepless Rant

From these past few years, it would seem as though I know little about life, was too consumed with my education and career, and failed to give my relationships the attention they deserved.

It would also appear that they were all deliberate choices and that I have no regrets, though I do apologize to anyone I hurt along the way.

I think I’m reaching that point in my life where time is precious, stress no longer phases me (except in extraordinary situations), and I’ve started to accept the skin that I’m in. I suppose two years of law school will do that to you. I suppose getting older will do that to you.

My life is plagued with “This time last year . . . ” and questions about where I’ll be next. I thought I’d have more cushion time in entering the “real world.” I thought I knew where I wanted to be. I thought that I’d be making these decisions for and by myself. But, I guess I’ve been waiting for something to change me from my old ways. Not being entirely certain, but being willing to take a chance. Hoping that it all works out in the end, but accepting the possibility that it won’t.

And still, I’m nervous because I’ve seen how fast life can change, how a few words can change how you feel about someone, and how being honest with yourself can make all the difference.


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